Wednesday, April 7, 2010

BYUH Jerusalem Family!

So the time had come for Teren to graduate, and me to
leave Hawaii in preparation for my mission. Seeing as
we had only assembled the Jeru family once thus far
for a fireside, Teren an I decided to put together this
little shindig. First Teren an I made the Pita bread!
We let it rise for 3.5 hours then kneaded it for what
seemed like for ever then pinched it into little balls
then rolled them flat like these. We then proceeded to throw them in the oven where to our great delight they popped up like this! We never expected results like these, but this is only the first of whats to come. Teren an I
after this decided were were going to open up a bakery in the Old City.

Once all the pitas were baked Teren an I went to Tessa's house to meet the rest of the gang. Where we made falafel and hummus. It took awhile but it was just fun to hang out and reminisce about the old days haha. We left the balling to Marni and Clark while, Teren, and Tessa Fried. While all this was going on we left the mixing to Amanda and Aaron who made the Hummus. Here is a shot of some of the gang getting ready to dig in.

While here we have a close up of some fresh pita bread and the finished Falafel. Sorry for this messy-ness of this post it is really hard to arrange these pictures haha. Some of them got cut off so click for the whole picture.

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